Medium Sari Notebook
These lovely handmade sari-covered notebooks are a beautiful example of fair trade and recycling in action. Each notebook contains 125 pages of unlined khadda paper which is made from recycled cotton, is acid-free and is a beautiful paper to write or draw on. Each notebook is unique – some may come with a splash of petals on the pages and some with off-white paper. As they are a handmade product colour and design will vary.
Size: 110mm x 155mm
These journals are made by a small family business in Rajasthan that the supplier, Paper High, has worked with for many years following Fair Trade guidelines. They visit every year and now know the producers and their families well, considering them as true friends. The paper for the journals is also made in rural Rajasthan by a charity that works to improve the education and social standing of women. In this way, Paper High provide people in rural villages fairly paid work that would have otherwise be difficult to find. Paper High, like us, are members of BAFTS Fair Trade Network UK.