Fair Trade Washable Face Masks - Organic Cotton
These non-medical masks are an attractive, unisex alternative to single use masks. Made from a double layer of beautifully soft Fairtrade organic cotton, they have a filter pocket which can be filled with a folded layer of tissue paper or kitchen roll. Their contoured shape helps them to be versatile for all face shapes. They are available in either Adult or Child sizes.
The mask should be washed with soap and water before each use and air dried or ironed for sanitation. Replace the filter every four hours and do not touch the mask from the front when removing it.
Please remember that the use of face masks is not intended to replace other recommended measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, such as social distancing, washing your hands or refraining from touching your face.
These masks are made by the women of the Flowering Desert project in India. The project provides training and fairly paid work for women from the Mahila Aran Trust and the surrounding rural community in Tamil Nadu. They are being produced as part of a Fair Trade solidarity project designed to provide an income to producer groups who are currently deprived of regular work due to the Coronavirus crisis
Buying one of these masks provides the artisans with a lifeline and wearing one protects others and helps reduce the spread of the virus, especially if worn in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.